www.sudzibas.lv Tet Terrible works done on my territory without notice!

Tet - Terrible works done on my territory without notice!

I live in skirotava and, aparently, you have contracted some alcoholics to do the job on your behalf. Some men, looking worse than an average bum from the train station, are digging on my land and cutting my trees. Apparently you have cotracted them. While i know that anything outside my fence belongs to the goverment and you can dig in your communications there, we have not received any mail from you stating that there will be works on my lawn. These guys have cut my trees and left them on the ground. Potentially making me pay a fine and pay for its disposal. Just to be clear, there wasn't a major tree.. They could have ring the bell and ask me to hold the tree branch while the do their work. Or they could hold the branch themselves. But no, they had to cut it and now we have a hole in the fence. And its not just me. A lot of my neighbours are not happy with this. Noone have received any mail form you... Just some bad looking men showed up and started to damage our property. Is this the reputation you want for your company? Now i have to buy a new tree and plant it, because your contractors were too inconvenienced by the tree that grows inside my territory.


Uzņēmums saņēma paziņojumu par šo sūdzību

Ответ от SIA Tet Ответ от представителя 15.03.2022

Sveiki, jā, darbu veica mūsu cilvēki. Tika apgriezti tikai zari, nevis viss koks. Viss notika normatīvo aktu ievaros - mēs darbojamies ielas robežās (uz pašvaldībai piederoša īpašuma). Zāģēšana bija nepieciešama, lai varētu pievilkt caurules no ielas puses. Savādāk to pierakst nebija iespējams.

Arī jūsu izsauktā policija apstiprināja informāciju, ka viss ir likumīgi.

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