www.sudzibas.lv Permalat Car Rent Deposit - never got back

Permalat Car Rent - Deposit - never got back

Took a car for rent back in June 2016, never seen my deposit back (700 Euro). Hundreds of emails and phone calls being made. Same story every day - problems with the bank. Director is off sick, waiting for an owners phone number. At the same time, sent all contracts and receipts to lawyers in Latvia. Next step will be to go to police.


Комментарии (5)

T Tong Po 26.08.2016

If You were in Latvia as a tourist and they know that, then probably You should not be waiting any longer and go to the police. I guess that You can try contacting them also via e-mail. Contacts available here: http://www.vp.gov.lv/?id=144&said=144
Probably this company expect that You will finally give up with such a way of communication which takes Your time and money, and they could never return that money back. 700 EUR is quite a big sum to leave if for those "businessmen".

D Denis_1 26.08.2016

Thank you for your help. I've sent them hundreds of emails already. Luckily I got lawyer friend in Latvia. Today he sent them a notice letter, if no money returned by 1st of September, the case will go to court. Also he will send all materials to PTIC and VID (don't know what is it).

T Tong Po 26.08.2016

PTAC stands for Consumer Rights Protection Centre www.ptac.gov.lv
VID stands for State Revenue Service www.vid.gov.lv

K kreditorsPG 27.08.2016

Strange, in Latvia usually deposit amount is 30-250 Eur. You probably got a brand new 7-series BMW for rent. Or they just applied some special "tourist pricing".
Looks like a fraud.

D Denis_1 27.08.2016

700 eur is a deposit for audi q7 as per advert on ss.lv

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