www.sudzibas.lv My Fitness Slikts servise

РешеноMy fitness - Slikts servise

My fitness club Imanta, the administrator, is a young girl of small stature, apparently uneducated and badly brought up.
I was going to buy sports gloves, slipped them torn, when I asked another pair she said that there was no size (maybe I did not argue), then I asked her to check my contract in the system, I interrupted it four weeks ago, terminated the contract in accordance with by their rules, until the 14th day of the next month (the reason was significant), the administrator took my card, answered that the contract was not interrupted, deceived, I told her that I would record her conversation on video, for deceiving, she threatened that as soon as I point to her phone, she will call the police, I did not make a video recording, but she called the guard anyway, the guard did not understand what happened, he stood clapping his eyes. On the same day I checked the information in the Zolitude club, it turns out that the contract was interrupted.

After the administrator scared me to call the police for no reason, I wrote to the head of the My fitness branch, Imant Anita Dinsberga, she answered, wrote that I was to blame, and that the administrator was right, then what scared me to call the police on me without any then grounds, and that called the guard.

The most important event happened one month earlier, the trainer who leads group training, she uses two large halls, but it’s not enough for her, she also leads a group in the center of the gym, 8 simulators are blocked at once, and without it many simulators are busy and you have to wait.

I complained about the coach, but my complaints were directed against me, the head of the Imantsky club covers up injustice and a bad attitude towards clients.

The main manager responsible for all the clubs in Riga was also attached to the correspondence, but she also covers up the blatant injustice, and the unfairly vile attitude towards the client


Uzņēmums saņēma paziņojumu par šo sūdzību

Жалоба успешно разрешена Max30000 24.06.2023

This complaint was written by me on emotions, not everything is so bad, I was also wrong in something, I want to delete this post of mine

šī problēma tika atrisināta


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