www.sudzibas.lv Jahonts Bad customer service

Jahonts - Bad customer service

I was in “Jahonts” store in origo and asked for price of an earring i saw and liked, then the lady replied “oh it’s diamond and too expensive”

Really? This is normal reply to a customer? How can know what i can afford or not?

Actually, i would have bought that earring but thanks to that nice service, i’ll go to another jewelry store.


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Комментарии (1)

Oskars Oskarsons 10.07.2020

You should thank that girl. Diamonds (especially low to mediocre quality) have very low resale value, because they are way more common than you think. If you bought that earring, any reasonably intelligent person would think that you are retarded. So be happy, you dodged a bullet.

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