www.sudzibas.lv Hotel Sigulda Attieksme pret klientiem, klientu serviss

Hotel Sigulda - Attieksme pret klientiem, klientu serviss

So far absolutely DISGRACEFUL Communication.
I have to call 3 times and write a bunch of WhatsApp messages and e-mails to get ONE reservation correct.
Just now they promise that everything is correct, but make it sound like it is SO HARD and therefore basically deny to send me correct reservation to e-mail.
People working there are apparently UNABLE to COPY the e-mail address you sent them or write it down correctly.
Also unable to write my surname correctly.
(I have a normal, latvian surname and don't have any accent when speaking, they really must be working hard to misunderstand me or have problems comprehending the only official state language)
At first they didn't even send the reservation to correct email, because they are apparently blind, illiterate and unable to copy text.
Then they sent reservation with wrong info and asked to "CHECK INFO AND CONFIRM IF CORRECT". I replied that info is incorrect and asked to get it fixed.
All i got back was THE SAME WRONG reservation sent to me again.
Last conversation girl promised she has it correct on their side.
BUT I still haven't received the correct reservation.
With all this back and forth mess and NO APOLOGY, plus the last girl being unprofessional at the end and sounding SMUG as heck... you know, they have already seriously damaged what was supposed to be a pleasant, relaxing experience. And a gift to my mom.
So far i am furious and terribly dissatisfied with their attitude and customer service.
They have a chance to fix it when we arrive.
If we are going to have a pleasant, relaxing stay, i will change this comment.
Also - apology would be nice.
And teach your workers not to be SMUG bastards.


Комментарии (1)

How bro feels like when he or she wrote that long text 😎 xD no one cares!

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