www.sudzibas.lv Setupad Bad Service

Setupad LTD, balticadx.com - Bad Service

I had a job interview in the company "Setupad" with Mr. Toms Panders. He was not able to come, and even more, he does not consider to warn me, that meeting is rejected. So, whenI arrived, I realized that this CEO, Tom Pander, is completely irresponsible individual. I have proven e-mail record, that we agreed the meeting and I accepted that. After all, I lost one business day, business day money, arriving expenses and my time. I will never deal with this company again, and nobody of my business colleagues / partners.

Best regards.

Дополнено ivarsde 17.05.2017

I have added a Mr. Toms Panders photo. The business people should know their heroes.



Комментарии (1)

T Toms 23.05.2017

Hi Rodrigo Vuskans,
I didn't reply on your proposed timing when you decided to write me after 3 days. See attached. Frankly speaking, I lost my interest after your first message. Looks like parking a car is more important to you than parking a job.


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