Plaza Rent - Krāpšana

If you are a tourist visiting Riga and need a car - stay away. Their deposit system means you wont likely see your money again. You can only pick up security deposit 30 days after you return the car. It has to be you personally, you cant get anyone else to pick it up on your behalf. So as soon as you leave to go home youve basically lost your money. Dont rent from these guys.

Комментарии (1)

T Tong Po 18.08.2016

If You are a tourist in Latvia and need a car, then I would suggest to use international company's service, like Avis ( Local smaller companies services could turn into painful experience, especially if You are a foreigner. Their services are "pain in ass" for the local's, too. Anyway, I think You should provide them with Your bank details where they should return Your deposit amount, preferably provide those details in written or via e-mail, so it can be proved that they have all the necessary info for the money transfer. In case they do not return your deposit, then the next step would be to send the claim to Police. I believe this could also be possible to do that via e-mail.
I understand that the amount of the deposit is not that big money, but still, need to help those "businessmen" to learn correct business approach and attitude.
I hope that positive impressions and emotions predominate this bad experience from visiting Latvia!

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