SIA Lion Estate - Fraud

In 2020 and 2021 I paid Lion Estate around €350000,00 for four properties. It took three years for Lion Estate to sign over two of them, and I am still waiting for the other two to be signed over to me.

The properties have not been completed, and require repairs and rebuilding in parts. Lion Estate illegally used the properties as collateral for a business loan, putting the properties I have paid for in jeopardy.

I have requested repeatedly, for over three years, for the properties to be completed and signed over to me, but there is always an excuse. Now Lion Estate is asking me to pay more money so they will sign the documents. This is extortion on top of fraud.

I have bank statements, and emails and WhatsApp messages going back to 2020, far too many to upload here. I paid for items that were never delivered, and work that was never completed.

I spent €10000,00 on lawyers to resolve this, then Lion Estate offered to complete the properties and sign them over to me, but they never did. I have no legal right to live in these properties, and could lose them at any time due to them being used as collateral.


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